Today, March 26th 2010, the Curtiss 46 celebrates its 70th Anniversary and we're happy to welcome this great aircraft as the latest addition to the World Air Routes!

For more than 150 minutes you will fly the aircraft on half a dozen trips across Alaska. Pilots and mechanics go over every aspect of this fascinating aircraft after an introduction by the Everts family. As a bonus we've added another half a dozen trips in the cockpit of the DC-6 to destinations not previously covered in the series making this another must see DVD!





Download this program for only $15


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Flight Information
A/C Reg Flight Route Flt Time Destinations



VT 462



ANC Anchorage, USA

ANI Aniak, USA

C-46 N7848B VT 462 ANI-ANC 1h36

ANI Aniak, USA

ANC Anchorage, USA

C-46 N7848B VT 462 ANC-ANI 1h55

ANC Anchorage, USA

ANI Aniak, USA

C-46 N7848B VT 462 ANI-FAI 2h05

ANI Aniak, USA

FAI Fairbanks, USA

C-46 N7848B VT 426 FAI-AQT 2h15

FAI Fairbanks, USA

AQT Nuisqut, USA

C-46 N7848B VT 426 AQT-FAI 1h55

AQT Nuisqut, USA

FAI Fairbanks, USA

DC-6A N351CE VT 025 FAI-BRW 2h48

FAI Fairbanks, USA

BRW Barrow, USA

DC-6A N351CE VT 025 BRW-FAI 2h18

BRW Barrow, USA

FAI Fairbanks, USA

DC-6A N351CE VT 025 FAI-FYU 0h54

FAI Fairbanks, USA

FYU Fort Yukon, USA

DC-6A N351CE VT 025 FYU-FAI 0h48

FYU Fort Yukon, USA

FAI Fairbanks, USA

DC-6A N351CE VT 099 ANC-ENM 2h18

ANC Anchorage, USA

ENM Emmonak, USA

DC-6A N351CE VT 099 ENM-ANC 2h00

ENM Emmonak, USA

ANC Anchorage, USA

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WOW!!!!!!!!! You have done it again with this Great DVD from Everts Air Cargo with the C-46 and the DC-6, It is so nice to see the planes of History flying today, But, I must admit that I had Never heard of the C-46 before this program was released. Received this DVD today and watched the whole thing, And I was really amazed at this beautiful Aircraft. I enjoyed the Intro of the company, That was very interesting and Educational. I felt like I was on those flights. The crews really gave Super information about each Aircraft. I really enjoyed the window shots right near the Props. I also loved the sounds of the engines.
I was very surprised to see the DC-6 land on a Gravel Runway.
Thanks for getting these 2 beautiful Planes in the the WAR Group. I love it and recommend all to get this DVD.
I would like to Thank all the Crews of WARS and the Crews at Everts for a GREAT!!!!! DVD. May these Planes live forever.

John Linder ; Rancho Palos verdes CA, USA

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